Amiga Plus 1996 #6
Amiga Plus CD - 1996 - No. 06.iso
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The Documents for Coloursetter
*** About This Program ***
ColourSetter is a handy little program which is intended to compliment
the Workbench palette requester program, which while it is good, even
in the multicolour setting it can only set the first eight colours of the
palette. I often found that the colours above this limit clashed with each
other, and the only way that I could fix it was to select one of the preset
colour selections, which is hardly user friendly to the user who wishes to
have a totally customised workbench! So I wrote this little program.
ColourSetter is intended to compliment the Workbench palette requester, not
necessarily to replace it, so please do not delete your workbench palette
*** Installation ***
If you are running the demo version of ColourSetter then no installation is
necessary as the program will quite happily run from the disk it came on. If
you got this program from the Internet, or a BBS then after de-archiving it
to your selected drawer, the program will run quite happily `as is'.
If you are using the full version then an installation script is provided and
everything is placed in it's correct place automatically.
The installation script for the full version will automatically add a command
to you user-startup script telling Workbench to check for your colour
preferences and if they exist to alter the colours to your preferences.
Ifyou lose your colours at any point (for instance if another program has
been run which altered the workbench colours, then provided the file entitled
CRd (or CRd-AGA) is present in your Prefs drawer (it will be if you have
saved from ColourSetter at least once) then just press the right Amiga and E
keys together to bring up the command window, then type in the command `CR'
(or `CR_AGA' for AGA users) and press Return. Your colour prefernces will
appear as if by magic!
*** How The Program Works ***
When Coloursetter loads the program superimposes itself over the Workbench
screen, so that you can see whats going on with the Workbench while you are
setting your colours. No exiting the program to see if it works, and then
having to reload when you find it doesn't!
The main window looks rather like DPaint's palette requester (this is a
colour changing program after all!) with gadgets showing every colour
that your workbench is set up for, as well as three sliding gadgets which
let you set each colour. All you simply need to do is select the colour you
wish to edit by clicking on it once with the left mouse button and then
select the `RGB' (RedGreenBlue) value you desire. For instance to
alter the amount of red in your chosen colour just position the mouse
pointer over the indicator on the `R' sliding gadget, press and hold the
left mouse button, move the mouse left or right as desired, and release
the mousebutton. You will see the value to the left of the slider change to
its new value and everything on the screen in that colour change to the new
colour. Try this with the screen colour (the first one) for the most dramatic
Once you have set your personal colours, you can select an option from the
gadgets under the main window or the menu (both of which have identical
*** The Menu and Gadgets ***
The gadgets under the main window contian the same commands as the menu, so
the following explanations apply to both the gadgets and the menu.
Save: This option is disabled on the demo version, so if you are
using this version, you will need to buy the full version in
order to use this option. Please see the section entitled
`How to Buy the Full Version' further on in this document
for more info on this.
The save option allows you to save the colours that you
have set up. When this is selected a file in the prefs drawer
of your workbench entitled CRd (or CRd_AGA for AGA users) is
altered (or created if it doesn't already exist). This file tells
your workbench what your colour preferences are and sets them
After saving the Coloursetter program will exit.
Use: This option sets your workbench to the colours that you
have chosen, but does not save them, meaning that when
you reset your computer your colour selections will be lost,
and your workbench will be set to the colours you last
saved, or if you didn't save any at all, then your Workbench
will be set to its default colours.
On selecting this option the ColourSetter program will exit.
Cancel: This option will reset the workbench colours to those when
ColourSetter was first loaded and then exit the program.
In other words, the program will have had no effect on
your workbench palette.
Reset: This option will reset your workbench palette to the way it
was when ColourSetter was loaded (or the way it was when you last
saved. All your editing to date will be lost, and you will need
to start again from scratch.
About: This option will bring up a third window which will display the
Programs name, version and author. When you have finished reading
this information, just push the left mouse button to exit this
window. The mouse pointer doesn't necessarily need to be in the
About window to exit, but be aware that if the mouse pointer is
positioned over a gadget then that gadget will be activated. For
instance: if you only intend to come out of the `About' window but
the mousepointer is positioned over the `Cancel' gadget then the
program will exit.
Owner: This option is intended as a copyright protection. When you
select this option a window appears showing who the rightful
owner of the particular copy being used is. The name and address
which appears here cannot be altered by the user. It is set by
Samsof before sending the program to the person who ordered it.
Except for demo versions, each copy of this program is sold on
condition that it is used only by the purchaser, who is given
permission to make one back-up copy for his / her own use. If you
are offered a copy of this program which does not have your name
and address in the Owner window, then please let me know as this is
If you are using a demo version of this program then the above
will not be applicable as the demo version is freely available to
all. So, provided that it is not altered in any way and these
documents are not removed or altered, you may spread the demo
version around as much as you like. In fact please do!
*** Using the Demo Version ***
If you are using the demo version then you may have noticed a little
limitation as to what you can do. With the demo version you can only edit the
first eight colours of your workbench palette and you can't save your editing
for future use. In order to overcome both these limitations you will need to
buy the full version. For details of how to do this see the next section.
*** How To Buy the Full Version ***
Just having the demo version could get a little frustrating after a while
because you cannot save your preferences or edit the full palette. However
there is a solution to this. In exchange for £7.50 you can get a copy of the
full version with nothing disabled. Just send a cheque or postal order to me
at the address below. I do not recommend sending cash through the post,
because if it should get lost I cannot be held responsible. Don't forget to
tell me your full name and address, and please do remember that The full
version does require a hard drive in order to function properly.
The price of £7.50 includes £1.50 postage, packing and the price of a disk,
so if you send me a blank DoubleSidedDoubleDensity Diskette along with a
stamped addressed envelope (preferably a Jiffy bag in order to protect the
disk) then you need only pay £5.00 for the program.
Unfortunately, due to the nature of computer software, once your
program has been dispatched I will be unable to give you a refund
should you change your mind later and decide you want to return the
program. If on receiving your disk you find it is faulty then you should
return the faulty disk to me and I will replace it with a good one, but I
cannot give a refund.
*** Known Bugs ***
I am not aware of any bugs in this program, however if you should find
one, then please do let me know.
**** Copyright Notice ****
This program, along with all the others that I have written, and will
write in the future are copyrighted to Samsof, which is my trade name. This
copyright includes all ideas, graphics, layout, music, source code and the
programs themselves. All versions of programs which are released as `freely
distributable' may be copied and distributed freely, providing that they have
not been altered in any way, and that all programs, files and documentation
that came with them remains with them, and is not altered in any way. The
copyright for all freely distributable software still remains with Samsof,
therefore such software may not be used for any comercial purpose whatsoever,
without written permission of Samsof.
Should a magazine publisher decide to include a Samsof program on a coverdisk
then the program MUST have been released as freely distributable and no part
of the program or its related files may be altered or removed. I also ask all
magazine publishers to let me know before putting any Samsof program on a
PD suppliers should not charge any more than a VERY SMALL fee for PD released
software. This fee should be for postage, packing and diskettes only, and
should not include hefty profits for PD libraries. If you can only get PD
software for what seems like an exhorbatant price, then remember that Samsof
PD only charges 75p per disk. Just about any PD released software can be
obtained, so just let me know what you want!
If you are using a full version of one of my programs, then please
remember that the program was supplied to you on condition that you
do not make copies of it (apart from a single back-up copy for your own
use only, which I recommend you do), and that you certainly don't
spread the program around.
I have included a routine in every program which lets me know who I
originaly sold a particular copy to (this may not always be seen by the
user, but believe me it's there), so if you spread the program around,
everyone will know who did it, and believe me, software pirates are
NOT WELCOMED by the honest Amiga community, not to mention
what I will think of you. If it comes to my attention that someone has
been spreading illegal copies of any of my programs, I will not supply
any further programs to that individual, and if I consider the situation
warrants it, I may well take further action.
*** Disclaimer ***
Although I do my utmost best to ensure that programs written by me
work properly and will not cause any damage to your files or equipment,
all software is supplied at the users own risk. I cannot be held
responsible for any damage resulting from the use or misuse of my
programs. All disks are checked for viruses before being sent out, but I
cannot be held responsible should a computer virus enter your system,
which was not detected by my virus checkers. I do my utmost to ensure
no viruses enter my computer, because believe me, I hate the things
more than you do.
*** How to Contact the Author ***
I always appreciate correspondence from interested users of the software that
I write. I would like to hear from you whether you have praise or
constructive critscisms about my programs. Do you like them or do you think
that they are trash? Whatever you think please let me know. The address is at
the end of this section.
I am also always on the lookout for new ideas of what software to write.
What sort of software would you like to buy? If you send me an idea and
I decide to use it, I will send you a free copy of the full working version
of the resulting program.
If you send me pictures you have drawn or music you have written on the
computer and I use them in a future program, then not only will you receive
a free copy of the full program, but I will also send you 20% of all profit
made on the program.The same applies if you have written small programming
routines, which on their own cannot be used, but which I could use in order
to write good programs. You will of course be credited either in the program
or in the documents (probably both) with the part you played, but the final
copyright of the whole program will rest with Samsof, however you will retain
the copyright of the particular portion that you wrote.
If you have written a complete program and would like me to improve on it
and then sell it for you, you will receive 50% of all profits made by the
program, and if you have written a complete program (using Blitz Basic) which
you just want me to sell for you then please send me the source code along
with a covering letter and I will take care of the rest and you will receive
80% of all profits made by the program.
In order to contact me for any of the above as well as for general
correspondence, praise, critiscism, payments, donations, gifts or anything
else please write to:
Samuel Bowers
Samsof Software
PO Box 11
NR34 9JS
My E-Mail address is: sambowers@thenet.co.uk
I would also be very interested to hear from users overseas. In fact,
there's a free full version of the latest program that I have written, for
the person who lives furthest away from me (outside of the UK), and has
written to me, for whatever reason, by 31st December 1996.
*** Credits ***
I would like to thank Johnathan Potter, who lives in Australia for writing
the Fullview program used to display these documents, and particularly for
allowing anyone to use his program. Nice one Johnathan. If you would like to
thank Johnathan yourself, then just press the A key on your keyboard to get
his address.
Many thanks go to all those at Acid Software for writing the Blitz Basic
program, without which my program would never have existed.
I would also like to thank all of you out there who buy my programs. It is
much appreciated.
*********************** The Documents have now ended ***********************